
Through the structures of the core components of our environment and the artful facilitation from our educator team, students engage in meaningful and impactful exploration of ideas and concepts that feed a passion for learning.
Students dive deep into subject matters and leverage the ownership they have of projects and their own interests to go well beyond the grade level standards found in a more conventional middle school. They live the real world effects of their researched choices and decisions as they experience the outcomes through business operations themselves.
The overall education experience at Embark is authentically integrated with the real world operations of the shops. We view and use Common Core Math and English, as well as Next Generation Science Standards as guardrails and tools to support our students to be successful beyond Embark. Our curriculum is on a two year rotation so students have a robust and well-rounded middle school learning experience that not only inspires them to be lifelong learners, but also sets them up to thrive in High School and beyond.
Rooted in the foundation of problem solving, math comes to life as we explore budget forecasts, statistical analysis and when there is not a natural integration to the operations of our businesses, we hold more traditional lessons. With varying levels of math through Algebra our students develop deep skills, and mathematical language to solve complex and real world problems.
Science is the language behind the phenomenon of what surrounds us. The integration and exploration of how to actually “do science” is paramount. Students explore, investigate and question rather than memorize facts as they measure, explore and experiment the centripetal force of a banked turns on bikes or the chemistry that makes up good coffee.
The Human Experience is more than a traditional Humanities class. While it entails the traditional aspects of reading, writing and history we explore it from a foundation of projects that are integral to the entire school experience. When ordering beans, we study and get to know the history, climate and politics of those regions. When developing marketing, we learn about the tone, voice and literary elements of the classics. We have the unique ability to truly interact and root our learning in the community that surrounds us.
Book-ending our days, community meeting and community reflection anchor the student experience. Community meeting serves as a daily check-in, where logistical information is shared and students set their academic and personal intentions for the day. Community reflection provides a daily check-out during which students are able to reflect back on the day’s learning. Both community times provide a structured environment in which students can process their learning, share-out their success and/or failures, and ask for help and guidance from their peers and educators.
Literally situated within the walls of a coffee shop, Pinwheel Coffee, our students are uniquely positioned to engage in projects that truly integrate academics with real-world questions. And, we are excited about leveraging this ability to its maximum potential. For example, while working on the practical skill of crafting the perfect cappuccino, students investigate:
· The differing mathematical ratios of ingredients present in a latte versus a cappuccino,
· The chemistry behind the extraction of caffeine from coffee beans, and
· The art of sequential writing as they compose a barista instructional manual
Integrated shop projects will include a combination of direct instruction within the three core academic disciplines, personalized student exploration, and practical work within the bike and coffee shops. They enable students to master foundational academic skills while simultaneously experiencing the application of these skills in the world beyond the classroom.
The evidence is in and it is clear: regular physical activity and mindful practices enhances memory, attention and cognition. Plus, it bring us joy! As moving bodies directly translate into moving minds, we are dedicated to incorporating movement and mindfulness into students’ daily experience. Sprinkled through the week, these activities will serve to reinvigorate or calm student’s energy, depending upon the demands of the day. Activities might include a yoga class in the learning hub, a game of ultimate ball at the local park, or a guided meditation in our back garden.