At Embark, we are creating a learning environment designed to reimagine what’s possible for adolescent education. This formal opportunity to visit Embark is intended to help you see and feel more fully how we approach learning; to show you the practices we have in place to create a learner-centered environment; and to support you in considering new possibilities for your community.
About Our Embedded Learning Experience
If you are an educator, administrator or school community member on a journey to envision how learning can be different for youth and are looking for an example or inspiration for what a learner centered environment looks like in practice, we invite you to join us for our Embedded Learning Experience at Embark. During these two days, you will:
Experience and develop radical trust, whose practices and mindsets can be brought back to your learning environments to continue building on your intentional momentum
Open up to new possibilities of learning for your students through authentic and purposeful routines, activities, and systematic processes
Build community with other participants, who are on a similar journey. Share your contexts and insights with each other to advance our collective work to change learning environments.
Embedded Learning Experience Agenda:
7:30 - 8:00AM
Coffee & Conversation8:00 - 9:00AM
Intention Setting
Connection Amongst Participants9:15 - 10:00AM
Round 1:
• Mindset of Radical Trust - Group 1
• Micro-Embedded Learning Experiences - Group 210:15 - 11:00AM
Round 2:
• Micro-Embedded Learning Experiences - Group 1
• Mindset of Radical Trust - Group 211:15 - 11:45AM
Reflection11:45 - 12:30PM
Lunch12:45 - 1:00PM
Intro to Learner-Designed Scheduling1:15 - 2:00PM
Round 3:
• Learner Panel: Discovering a Sense of Self
• Competency-Based Instruction• Floating
2:15 - 3:00PM
Round 4:
• Parent Panel
• Floating3:15 - 4:15PM
Reflection & Closing5:30 - 7:30PM
7:30 - 8:00AM
Coffee & Conversation8:00 - 8:30AM
Connection Amongst Participants
Scheduling8:45 - 9:45AM
Educator Panel
10:00 - 10:45AM
Round 1:
• Learning in the Real-World
• From Problem Identification to Ideation
• Floating
• 1:1 Consulting11:00 - 11:45AM
Round 2:
• Learner Panel: Developing Agency
• Designing a Learner-Centered Environment
• Floating
• 1:1 Consulting12:00 - 12:45PM
Lunch1:00 - 1:45PM
Round 3:
• Leadership in Learner Centered Education• Designing a Learner-Centered Environment
• Floating
• 1:1 Consulting2:00 - 2:45PM
Round 4:
• Open Spaces• Floating
• 1:1 Consulting3:00 - 3:45PM
Reflection & Closing
“Our team left feeling so inspired by the work that you all do given the giant puzzle piece that is Embark.”
Embedded Learning Experience Pricing
The rates for our Embedded Learning Experience are:
Individual Rate: $500 per person
Group Rate: $400 per person (Applies to groups of three more more)
We have four subsidized seats at $250 per person available on a first come, first served basis, no questions asked. Currently, we have three subsidized seats left! To discuss interest in and availability of subsidized seats, please reach out to our Director of Adult Learning Mark Gabriel, at markg@embarkeducation.org.
Note that travel and lodging are not included in registration. Breakfast, coffee, and lunch will be provided each day, as well as snacks and assorted beverages. Other meals are not included.
The Embedded Learning Experience includes:
An intentionally-designed mailer to welcome you to the experience
Daily breakfast and coffee
Daily catered lunches
Bountiful snacks and beverages
Wide-range of dynamic sessions
One-on-one consulting sessions
Printed supporting materials + workbook
17 contact hours with certificate
We are grateful for your support to fuel our mission of empowering youth and adult learners to courageously inquire, engage, and discover a sense of self. We believe that every single individual has a deep and inherent brilliance within that - when given the time, trust, and space to flourish - can ignite powerful and lasting change. Thank you for supporting us in making that change possible.